Vonage Foibles

For the last 4 years or so, just after we moved to Virginia, we got Vonage as our home phone. We replaced the Verizon line once we got reliable high speed Internet at the house.

However, over the last month or so, we’ve been unable to see our caller ID due to the “check phone line” being displayed on our handsets. This is very annoying. I mean: how can we avoid talking to you if we don’t know it’s you that’s calling? Seriously!

When we originally got Vonage, I got two phone lines and that mean two adapters. Now, you can do two lines through one adapter, but for some reason, they had me buy two adapters. I found out I really didn’t need that second phone line for fax, that I could just use the number they gave me at work, so I cancelled the second line. Still had the box though.

Since the “check phone line” is annoying and the phone wouldn’t even tell us when we had voicemail, I thought I’d see if the old Motorola box was bad. I put the rarely used Linksys box on the network, did a “move line” from the Vonage web page to the new (old) Linksys box, and Voila! Phones are now working as desired.

Motorola box is now on its way to a landfill.

Even More Cleaning

Now that we’ve shredded most of the documents [after having to wait for the shredder to cool down between bouts] we’ve been working on streamlining our bookcases. I’ve been looking at the Kindle and will now likely buy one. That decision made, I’ve started to clean off my shelves of books that, if I read again, it will be digitally. Some I will not read again, but to know that they are available on the Kindle is enough for me to get rid of them.

Some I will keep never to sell, of course, but that is not what this post is about.

I have a couple of crates of books sitting beside me now: books to sell or otherwise get rid of. I am going to try Craigslist now.

Craigslist has become our friend lately. We’ve sold lots of stuff, including Laura’s old behemoth of a computer desk. That will definitely clear up some space in our basement for a photography studio.

And now, I’m off to type up some Craigslist posts.