100 Airports and Counting!

Now that I’ve started the new job and am travelling a little again, I’ve been able to expand my list of airports to 100 now after visiting Nebraska and flying in and out of Omaha (OMA) and Lincoln (LNK).

Not only that, but I’ve achieved Premier 1K for the first time. My efforts at that lagged when I moved out of services into IT at Microsoft. Now that I’m not there anymore and back in the consulting field, I’m able to fly a little more. Just 5 times in the last year so far – enough with the United “COVID bonuses” (incentives) to qualify for 1K.

Now, back before the Continental/United merger, I had achieved the highest even unpublished status on Continental (Continental “Star”) after spending almost all year every week flying for at least a couple of years. That travel was brutal and was one more reason I took the Federal consulting job at Microsoft: less travel. Well, and it was Microsoft… 🙂

After almost 5 years in MSIT, though, I had to get back out into consulting and I’ve chosen a great place at West Monroe. The travel burden is low as well. I can live with travelling once per month and it’s not even been that. I have the freedom to work remote if I wish or need to. Or, even work from the beach – although that would be a distraction. Just a bit.

But – if I want to, they would be happy to let me range all over the country.